Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Alice dressing up

Did some more work on Alice ( as I have decided to call her). A way to go yet but I am pleased with the colours and contrast, This painting is destined for an exhibition in Oxford at the end of this month.


ian gordon said...

all this talk of exhibitions is making me quite jealous!

ian gordon said...

Hi Sue,

Not really state of the art vlogging, but HERE is how I stretch wrapping paper.

SueC said...

Cool!! Thanks so much for that! I'm off to have a go!!!. Did you prime the paper pre-acrylic at all or did the oil pastels do that job?

By the way..that vlog was extremely good.

ian gordon said...

I don't bother priming with these prep studies. A very light oil pastel did help the acrylic keep damp longer.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

Alice is coming along very well :)…and now you’ve reminded me about that exhibition…I’d better go and hunt out the dates…:(