Been rummaging in the back of my wardrobe today. Looking for some shoes to paint as part of my 'Change' series. These, believe it or not, were (in the eighties) very expensive and now very battered silk Cartier's. Luckily the sun was out so loads of good lighting for the photos. It has (however) taken the best part of 2 hours to upload said photos after having to reinstall drivers for the camera. Why does a 30 minute job always take an afternoon??
Who knows.
Anyway. I'm off into the studio now to see what I can come up with. I'll update later.....
.....2 hours later here we are.

I do enjoy using this canvas paper. The grain is similar to very fine canvas but you can tape it to a board and you're ready to go. Its Crimson & Blake and rare as hens teeth. I got my pad from a well known online auction site, since none of my usual artist suppliers stock it. I haven't signed this one yet. I cannot decide whether it looks best portrait or landscape. Any suggestion?