This isn't finished in my customary speed, but I am pleased with the progress thus far. The bracelet is still a bit messy, and the tone on the front of the shoes isn't right. I'll get there...eventually. I am going to frame it in a siilar frame to the pink shoes (see below). Here is a link to my newly discovered star framing supplier Friargate Framing
That's amazing...that would take me days...looks wonderful
Yeah but at your speed......(snickers evilly). Seriously. Thank you. I am really getting into these shoe portraits :-)
Well they’re working really well I think…keep going; you’re going to end up with a wonderful exhibitions worth :)
Good Lord!
I blinked and it happened ... you are seriously fast at painting.
I am enjoying this series very much and am envious of your proficiency.
Thanks Lorna....I actually took myself off to my studio yesterday eve and had the wonderful freedom (as opposed to half-term mayhem) to just sit and paint for as long as I wished. The work so far represents about:
2 hours drawing and 2 hours painting. Reckon there is another 2 or 3 hours painting left and then I'm off to my newly discovered frame shop...;-)!
i really like this painting!
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