Friday, February 13, 2009

Change your life, change your shoes II

This isn't finished yet...I can't decide what to do about some shadows under the heels.


Unknown said...

They look stunning, you’ve really nailed the reflections :) It looks like there’d be quite a bit of shadow falling under there, which would stick them down nicely…another spectacular pair ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting.!! Looking forward to see those shoes when you've finished.

JuliaB said...

LOVE'em LOVE'em LOOOOVE THEM!! I have some shoes you might like as subjects ... xxx

natural attrill said...

Wow!amazing, lovely painting Sue.
I quite like it that they are floating, as they seem to me to be frivolous kinda shoes, not very 'grounded' perhaps!

Unknown said...

Perhaps Penny has hit upon something there…maybe the shadow could be dropped below the shoe so they were floating about the ground...? A Wizard of Oz, magical flying kinda thing :)

SueC said...

tHANK YOU EVERYONE!! Julie I love the idea of painting some of your shoes!!! Drop me an email (cos I STILL haven't figured out facebook yet). x

ian gordon said...

These are great.

And judging by the success of the one below, I'd say add shadows. Great idea. A winner.

Nicky said...

The shoes are mine!!!

We have just bought it for our newly decorated bedroom - what fun!

Nicky & Ian

SueC said...

Wow. Thanks very much indeed. :-)