Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A mornings work

Finished off filling in the cloth (I have always avoided painting material in the past and now I remember why...). And done some on the body of the child. I'm aiming for a 'rough' brush work feel to this. ..rather than smooth and realistic. I want people to have to stand back from this one to see it. How on earth I am going to get it to London on the Oxford Tube doesn't bear thinking about at this stage....

I used my webcam to take this picture as I was too idle to go back into the house to fetch the camera and plethora of wires required to upload to the laptop...and I'm quite pleased with the photo. I might more use of this video cam in future.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Painting is looking really great and your webcam appears to be working very well. Perhaps we should start our own TV station ;) …I know what you mean about lugging these big paintings to the RA…perhaps we should see what the weather is like nearer the day…we’d get blown away if we were trying to deliver them today ;)