Sunday, May 13, 2007


Having a celebratory peice of cheese on toast. Would run a lap around the studio if there was room.

Did. It.

Just varnishing now before I can hang upthe boiler suit for the rest of the day.
Will be hanging them tomorrow so will post a picture.

Just look at the state of my palettes! I shall do my customary leave it to dry hard and peel it off. Immensely satisfying.


Unknown said...

Well done Sue. Am REALLY impressed by the way you’ve worked to get everything done over the last few weeks and especially the last few days – will try and take a leaf from your book and work much harder myself :) . Really looking forward to seeing all the pictures in the flesh, hope you have a hugely successful exhibition :)

MissT said...

Having had my own private view yesterday (where was the champagne and nibbles?) - I can confirm that these are all looking great. can't wait to see the exhibition.

SueC said...

Ooh thanks very much Graham...and Miss did get chilli after all :-)

Actually I think there will be nibbles and tipples available on the Friday, Sat and Sunday eves of the exhibition, and as far as I know - Danish pastries during the day ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I am tagging you :) Please come over to my blog to find out what to do.